Thursday, 30 July 2015

"No treatment required"

Saturday was an emotional day.
I said goodbye to my counsellor, Zoe, who has been my conifidant, my guru, my lifeline for the last 7 months. During our session, she asked me how I felt about our sessions drawing to an end and I cried; she asked if they were sad or happy tears and I replied that they were both.
I found it difficult to utter the words "I'll miss you" but Zoe managed to decipher them for herself, which made it easier.

The great thing about our final session was the acknowledgement that I may have to return for treatment one day, but that it's ok to do so. I know that Mind's doors are always open should I need them and the shame of having to walk through them again is non-existent, in fact I'll miss walking through those doors. The building for me, represents safety and honesty. The ability to metaphorically strip myself of the expectations of society and of the expectations I place on myself, then walk into the building as Me is a feeling that liberated me from the very start. No mask. No forced smiles. Just Me. I'll miss that pokey little waiting room. I'll miss Saturdays.

Missing Mind is ok, because I'll miss them like an old friend, the sort you part with for a while then pick up with exactly where you left off after some time has passed. I won't miss them like a crutch, because I don't need them anymore, officially, I don't need them.

Before leaving, I was given my last mental health assessment and although it indicated a slight anxiety problem, one of which I feel is actually a part of Me, my depression score was 4. This falls under the category of "no treatment required."

How good is that?

I'm officially PND free.

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