Thursday, 14 May 2015

Buy yourself a big present

Talking therapy has opened many half-open doors for me over the last couple of months. As a result, I've been swept into feeling many bewildering and intense emotions, even after the days and weeks where I've begun to feel much better.

Dealing with the anger, frustration and sadness of not protecting myself better or being kinder to myself during such a monumental time in my life has been really hard. I'm now striving to be kinder to myself- allowing breathing space, time to enjoy my interests and hobbies, letting myself achieve in roles other than my role of 'mum.'

I've treated myself to a proper break, which I shall be enjoying at a lovely spa in a couple of weeks time with a lady I thoroughly enjoy spending time with. We have treated ourselves to 4 treatments during our day, if I'm going to do this, well, I'm going to do it properly!

What I also would like to do is to buy myself a big present. Something tangible, something I can look at everyday and be reminded that I'm important too, that I've done ok during my first year as a Mum and here is a gift from me to me that says so. Sure, I've bought myself the odd magazine here and there, a candle, nail varnish, bar of chocolate, pairs of leggings, floaty tops since baby H was born. But I want a treat substantial enough to mark how far I've come and besides, some of my 'treats' perhaps fall under the category of 'necessity' anyway.

Money is tight. My maternity pay has come to an end and I'm perhaps about to do something a little frivolous, a bit foreign. I wouldn't think twice about buying necessary clothes for my daughter, I regularly treat her to books, toys, baby classes, swimming along with the compulsory baby buys throughout the year. I rarely feel guilty. It's time I made allowances for a present for me.

I haven't decided what my present will be yet, but it will be something lovely that reminds me how far I've come. If your income or savings (like in my case) will allow for a one off splurge to buy yourself a well deserved present- do it! Join me in this mission in being frivolous- buy yourself a lovely, big present. I think we deserve it.

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