Saturday, 21 March 2015

Noise be gone!

The sound of nothing. It used to make me nervous, not now. Every mum needs a break and it took me a while to realise that it's actually ok to have one!

 Last night I went out alone, after 6pm to buy myself some new shoes whilst my partner put Baby H to bed. 12 months ago, the first thing I would have done after climbing into the car is switch on the radio- not now. I can't express how relaxing it was to take a journey with no car seat to buckle in, no pushchair to squeeze tactfully into the boot, but best of all, no noise. I love music, but the sound of no sound at all has become a loved and rare occurance.

When I stepped into the shoe store however, I was greeted by this rancid, loud music- the sort I'd have played in my car 12 months ago! I've been into the same store more times than I care to remember and always enjoyed the upbeat vibe and loud music. I can honestly say, the experience last night was vile. In my head, I was pleading with them to turn it down, or even better... turn the bloody thing off! I could feel myself growing more and more irritable as I browsed the aisles.

My shopping trip was successful, I have new shoes, one size larger than my pre-pregnancy shoes thanks to my post pregnancy fat feet! But I have to say, the best part of my shopping trip was the time I spent in the car... no noise and time to hear myself think!

I know other Mums do the same- we put our babies down for a nap during the day time with every intention of mopping the floor or folding the dry washing that's been lingering in the tumble dryer for 24 hours. However, most Mums I know don't.
We use nap times to our own advantage, to sit and suck up the quiet time, we relish it.
Procrastination is under valued; we literally sit down in the quiet and go "aaah."

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