Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Lunch... a past time?

Weaning is in full swing in our house. Baby H is having 3 meals a day (when she's in the mood) along with her usual 5 milk feeds. They say that she'll drop a feed eventually and I hope it's soon!

It's hectic: once I've finished one task, it's on to another and H only has 20 minute naps throughout the day, which means I'm also endeavouring to entertain her much of the time.

I haven't eaten a proper lunch all week! Chaos aside, I'm enjoying being kept busy- it gives me a greater sense of purpose. Daytime TV has long escaped intrigue and it's become a bore, so this new busy me is good!

H's small choking incident is a distant memory and I'm now beginning to enjoy watching her experiment with new flavours and textures. It's a new way of bonding with my girl as we share carrot and cucumber sticks, offering me her chewed up leftovers! It's nice.

Milestones bring with them challenges but also, moments of joy and I'm finding remedy in that. As for lunch, so long for now!

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